• How long before I can get my results?

    CapAIBL takes about 30min to run, while CurAIBL can take up to about 24h. However, depending on the number of jobs in the queue, there can be a delay while waiting for computing ressources to become available.

  • What will you do with my data afterwards?

    Unless you have explicitely authorized CSIRO to reuse your data for research purposes, both raw and processed data will be permanently deleted from our servers after 2 weeks.

  • How are the Dicoms anonymised?

    Our platform supports in-browser anonymisation of DICOM datasets prior to sending the data to the cloud environment for further processing. This ensures the utmost privacy. In order to do this, datasets must be read, anonymised and forwarded which may slow the responsive of the browser when this happens. This also imposes a few limitations:

      1) Only DICOM files with the dcm and ima extension are currently supported. In the future, other extensions may be supported. Please send us an email at milxcloud@csiro.au if you would like an extension supported.

      2) Only DICOM files with the "DICM" marker as per the DICOM standard are supported. Files without the marker will results in errors during upload.

      3) Only DICOM tags and files that are encoded using explicit value representation are supported.

      4) Because of the anonymisation process, the results will be named based on the date and time of acquisition.

    In practice these limitations only impact a very small proportion of datasets. If your dataset is impacted by these limitations, we recommended that you convert it to NIFTI a converter and upload the NIFTI file.

    Our implementation anonymises the following DICOM tags.

      [0x0008,0x0080] Institution Name

      [0x0008,0x0081] Institution Address

      [0x0008,0x0090] Referring Physicians Name

      [0x0008,0x0092] Referring Physicians Address

      [0x0008,0x1010] Station Name

      [0x0008,0x1040] Institutional Department Name

      [0x0008,0x1048] Physician of Record

      [0x0008,0x1050] Performing Physicians Name

      [0x0008,0x1060] Name of Physician Reading Study

      [0x0008,0x1070] Operators Name

      [0x0008,0x1080] Admitting Diagnoses Description

      [0x0008,0x1155] Referenced SOP Instance UID

      [0x0008,0x2111] Derivation Description

      [0x0010,0x0010] Patients Name

      [0x0033,0x1013] Patients Name

      [0x0010,0x0020] Patient ID

      [0x0010,0x1040] Patients Address

      [0x0010,0x2154] Patients Telephone Number S

      [0x0010,0x1000] Other Patient Ids

      [0x0010,0x1001] Other Patient Names

      [0x0010,0x1090] Medical Record Locatori

      [0x0010,0x2160] Ethnic Group

      [0x0010,0x2180] Occupation

      [0x0010,0x21B0] Additional Patients History

      [0x0010,0x4000] Patient Comment

      [0x0020,0x4000] Image Comment

      [0x0032,0x1032] Requesting Physician

      [0x0010,0x0030] Patient date of birth

      [0x0010,0x1010] Patient age

      [0x0010,0x1020] Patient size

      [0x0010,0x1030] Patient weight

    These are common tags with patient specific data. If you are aware of tags not specified containing patient specific data or if in doubt, please convert the data to NIFTI and upload.

  • If you have any other questions, please send us an email at milxcloud@csiro.au.